smalltort is much more than just a blog, it’s a life based on personal growth and self-development. The team behind it has written many books on these subjects, and they also hold seminars and coaching sessions.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Social life :- Make a social plan.

Social life :-

Once you are aware of the social situations that cause anxiety or discomfort, you can take control of the situation by initiating small and manageable actions to build up your confidence and retrain yourself to enjoy social interactions. Having a plan of action will give you an immediate boost of confidence and make you feel more in control of your emotions. Planned exposure to the situations that cause your discomfort will eventually cure you of your anxious feelings so you can look forward to social interactions and actually have fun.
Action Steps:Think of a social activity you would like to enjoy but that causes you discomfort. Begin with the situation that causes you the most difficulty and attack it first. Plan ahead for how you will enter the room, a few things you will say to people, how many people you will talk to, and how long you will stay. Give yourself permission to leave after the amount of time you committed to yourself. You will feel discomfort the first few times you initiate your plan. But each time, talk to a few more people and stay a bit longer. You'll notice you feel more confident with every social event.
Location: SK-155, La Loche, SK S0M, Canada


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