Everyone has been rejected by a romantic
partner or love interest at some point in their lives. When you open yourself up
to connecting with another person, you make yourself vulnerable to possible
rejection. Of course rejection hurts, but it is something you can and should
move past if you want to enjoy a loving, healthy relationship in the future.
Rejection isn't an indictment of your character or who you are as a person. It
simply means you and this particular person weren't the right match. In many
ways, rejection is a gift, as it saves you from investing any more time in a
relationship that won't serve you well. Rejection can be a great teacher,
helping you learn more about yourself and what you want and need from another
person. Rejection does require a period of grief, but you will move past this
grief more quickly when you release blaming, acrimony, or self-criticism, and
have gratitude for what the relationship offered you.
Action Steps: Think about past romantic
rejections you've experienced. What did you learn about yourself as a result?
What lessons did you learn for the next relationship? How have you grown as a
result of experiencing the rejection? Visualize a future with this person,
knowing they were not the right match for you. Silently express gratitude to
them for letting you go and visualize yourself releasing them from your
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