Closets are great for storage. Here are a few hacks to use
the space in a clever way.
1. If you have fixed shelves in a closet, remove the shelving
and either drill holes for shelving supports from the bottom to the top, or
install metal shelving strips to make all the shelves adjustable. Most of the
wasted space in a closet can be attributed to the empty space between the top of
items and the bottom of the next shelf. You might even be able to add a couple
of shelves by going for an adjustable solution. (If you cannot match the old
shelving, cover all the shelves with washable wallpaper.)
2. You can also convert existing shelves into pullout units
so better access the items on the shelf. Cut off the edge of the shelves to
accommodate the runners and add a narrow frame around the edges to prevent items
from falling off. The frame will also give you a place to grip the shelf for
pulling it out.
3. Install a slim bookcase in the center of a closet for
racks and run rods between the bookcase and walls for hanging clothes. The rods
will also help to stabilize the shelves.
4. If you need to store a lot of small items in a closet,
group them together in boxes, baskets of plastic containers. Not only will you
find things quickly, but your closet will look organized.
5. Create extra space in your closets by installing rods on
the inside of the doors. Use these to scarves, ties, hats, belts or any other
slim items.
Laundry rooms should be filled with clean smells, lots of
light and with as many things as possible to make laundry day a breeze.
1. Build a closet next to or around your appliances. Use the
closet to sort everything you might need in the laundry. Top shelves in the
closet can also house extra linen for the house, tablecloths, napkins and even
clothes that need mending.
2. If you are building a closet, make a list of all the items
that need to be stored. Remember to create a thin, but tall space for the
ironing board, broom and mops.
3. Attach magnets to the corners of a quilted ironing board
cover and frappe it over your drier for a quick place to iron a shirt or dress
before you go out. No need to lug out the ironing board.
4. Make your own reusable dryer sheets by combining 1/2 cup
of vinegar and 8 drops tea tree or other essential oil. Cut up some old T-shirts
or cotton cloth and sprinkle the mix over (do not soak). Store in an airtight
mason jar. When needed remove from the jar, squeeze out over the jar and pop
into the drier. When you are done, place at the bottom of the jar again.
5. Install a shelf over the drier. Not only is it a place for
storage, but you can suspend a rod from the bottom of the shelf to store extra
hangers, or to hang up clothes as you take them out of the drier.
6. A dirty washing machine cannot clean your clothes. Clean
your washing machine by running a hot water cycle with 2 cups of vinegar and 1
cup of baking soda in the drum. Remember to remove the soap dispenser and give
it a good scrub with an old toothbrush. While you are cleaning the machine check
and clean all the filters as well. Repeat this at least twice a year to keep
your machine running optimally.
7. Lift your front loading washing machine and dryer about 12
inches from the floor by building a sturdy wooden box for them to stand on. This
will make loading and unloading easy on your back, and you can use the space
below them for storage baskets to store any of the many things you need in a
8. Suspend an old single bed metal frame or even an old
ladder from the ceiling to give you space to hook your hangers when removing
clothes from the drier.
9. Wash soft toys in your machine by putting them in lingerie
bags. Remember to check that the eyes and other parts are still secure after
washing. Note: this works for plastic toys like Lego as well.
10. If you are spending a lot of time in the laundry, invest
in a portable music player or radio to give yourself something to listen to
other than the washer and drier.
11. We all appreciate nice and crisp clothes that can give us
a professional look. However, most of us hate the ironing required in order to
achieve that polished look. You don’t have to worry. Here are some tricks that
can help you get the job done faster and more efficiently.
12. For the first trick, all you need is aluminum foil.
First, remove the ironing protective board cover. Then, simply place a strip of
foil on top of the table, and put the protector back on. Because of the heat
reflection, you'll be able to smooth out both sides of the clothing at once.
This trick does wonders for fabrics like silk, wool, and rayon. If you are
traveling, take note that you can use hair straighteners to iron the collar of
your polo shirts.
13. Odor in clothes can make you feel like you are wearing
something unclean. Food, cigarette smoke, and sweat can stick to your shirt,
making you feel like you are untidy. Here are some tricks that you can use to
ensure that your clothes are odor-free.
14. Those who go to the gym know how difficult it is to get
rid of the stink of sweat and body odor. To make things easier for you, simply
rinse the clothing at the gym itself to get rid of the sweat and odor as soon as
possible. You can then wash them as usual once you get home. If the odor is
strong, simply spray white vinegar on the underarm area before throwing it to
the laundry. Vinegar is one of the most powerful solutions you can use to combat
odor. This is guaranteed to keep your clothes smelling clean.
15. If you want to get rid of odor in shoes, the best way to
do so is to simply stuff them with socks or with a teabag. They will absorb the
unwanted odor that you want to get rid of.
16. Clothes require a lot of care and maintenance. You must
exert extra effort if you want to keep your clothes presentable. Here are some
tips that you can use to keep your clothes neat-looking.
17. If you get an unexpected ink stain on your clothes,
simply rub it off with hand sanitizer and follow up with regular washing later
on. If gum accidentally sticks to your child’s shirt, stuff the shirt in a
plastic bag and put it in your freezer. It will be very easy to remove gum when
it is in solid form. If you want to keep buttons in place, simply coat them with
clear nail polish so that they won’t fall off.
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