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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Life hacks for Your Garage

Life hacks for Your Garage

Do not make the mistake of ignoring your garage. The garage is full of hazards, so it is important to store your things efficiently in order to keep the area safe. You must also do what you can to ensure that your garage is safe. It contains quite a lot of expensive tools and it probably serves as storage space for your car as well. You have to make sure that you keep bad people away from your garage in order to ensure the safety of your family and your property.
The most basic practice that you can do to keep your garage clean is to avoid storing everything in there. Go ahead and throw the non-essentials.
Here are some other life hacks which can help you maximize space, and at the same time help keep your garage accident-free.
• Simple curtains can do wonders in making your garage look a bit homey. No matter how much you organize your tools into baskets or shelves, they will never look aesthetically pleasing. For aesthetic purposes, hang curtains in front of your storage area. Simply slide the curtains, and you will instantly be able to use the other half of your garage any way you want.
• To store your things in the garage, it is a good idea to build a vertical shelf where you can store your tools, sporting goods, and other materials. Shelves are pretty easy to build. Get your supplies in a hardware store, and start building your shelf now!
• One thing that you should watch out for is how you park your car in your garage. Use pool noodles to cushion the walls against accidental bumps in your car. Cut and drill pool noodles onto the walls of your garage to cushion those blows to your car doors. This will allow you to save a ton of money on paint jobs. In case your car already has scratches, use nail polish to cover up the scratch.

• Your garage contains a lot of valuable items which could attract burglars around your area. Make sure that you safeguard your garage because, aside from containing expensive tools and gadgets like your car, it is also the entrance to your home. Install a motion sensor light; a floodlight that detects motion is ideal. Install the light high enough that it’s not easy to smash or dismantle
Location: 1232 Jackson 56, Hickory Ridge, AR 72347, USA


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