smalltort is much more than just a blog, it’s a life based on personal growth and self-development. The team behind it has written many books on these subjects, and they also hold seminars and coaching sessions.


Sunday, December 31, 2017


Keeping you and your home cool in those hot clammy months.
• Try not to exercise just before going to bed. When you exercise it raises your body temperature and your body will retain heat. Instead exercise a couple of hours before.
• Take a tepid shower or bath. If you try taking a cold your body can react by trying to heat up which is the opposite of what you want.
• Heat rises so if you struggle to sleep at night, try putting your mattress on the floor or sleep on a lower level of the house.
• Before bed, try putting your sheets and pillows in the freezer they should stay cool enough for you to fall asleep nice and comfortable.
• When to hot sleep in cotton not nude. Cotton allows your body to breath and lets moisture evaporate between you and your sheets.

• Run cold water over your wrists for about 30 seconds. Your wrist is where blood flows closest to the surface of your body. This cools your blood and cools your whole body.

Social life :-Practice a conversation.

Practice a conversation.
For any skill you learn, practice increases your confidence. With repetitive practice, you know exactly what needs to be changed and adjusted, and it allows you to hone your skills until you feel proficient. The skills involved in social confidence require practice as well, and this includes practicing conversation skills. One of the biggest concerns about meeting new people or participating in group conversation is not knowing what to say or fearing you'll embarrass yourself. But with some pre-planning and practice, you'll be armed with plenty of conversation topics and the assurance to initiate a chat.
Action Steps:Before you attend a social gathering, a date, or even an outing with a friend, think about what you want to say when you first arrive. Practice greeting people in front of a mirror, and think about a few topics of conversation you want to initiate as you converse with people. Have some basic, everyday conversation starters (the weather, a recent news story, their family or a mutual friend), and also prepare some interesting questions or observations to initiate a more meaningful conversation. Here are thirty conversation topics to give you ideas. Write some of the topics down to keep in your pocket or purse to refer to at the event if you forget.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

64 Cooking Hack

Cooking Hack

I’m always searching to find new cooking hacks that will make cooking fun and easy.  I’ve compiled some of the most useful hacks I have found over the years below at will make you efficient in the kitchen and execute complex dishes flawlessly.

1. How often when you’re standing in the kitchen trying to cook a simple meal for the family, or reheating the leftovers do you have two bowls that both need heating up, yet only 1 ever fits in the microwave. You end up sitting there for 8 long minutes and then have to do the same again. You end up with a hot one and warm or cold one depending on time.

What can you do?

Get your two bowls as normal and place one in the microwave as you normally would. Get a mug and put inside the microwave next to the bowl and place the second bowl on top of the mug…. Problem solved.

 2. Think of all those times that you stood in the kitchen cracking your eggs into a bowl to make an omelette for lunch, only for that last horrible egg not to split right and you end up with little bits of shell in your lunch. You can either leave it and crunch on it later or spend half an hour trying to grab it with your fingers only to give up.

What can you do?

If you get one of the empty egg shells and use it to get the small piece of shell out you will find that for some unknown reason the shell is kind of attracted to the bigger shell and comes out right away…. Problem solved.

 3. When you wake up in the morning on a hot clammy summer day, but you need your morning coffee. You end up with the choice of having a normal hot coffee, which isn’t very refreshing on a hot day. Or end up diluting you’re your coffee with ice cubes.
What can you do?
Try smashing up Oreo and placing the bits in an ice cube tray. Fill it with cold coffee and freeze overnight. When you wake up drop a couple into your iced coffee. YUM… Problem solved.

 4. When the kids are out playing and come running in asking for an iced cream. You go in the freezer, take out that giant tub of three flavor iced cream and end up bending your spoons trying to get out a good size scoop for those cones. You either have to wait half an hour for it to soften or replace your spoons every time.
What can you do?
Try getting a large zip lock back and keep your tub of ice cream in it. Next time you take out of the freezer and remove it from the bag you will notice it is always slightly soft. No more bent spoons… Problem solved.

5. You’re standing in the kitchen cooking a nice romantic meal for your partner. You’re just about to add some nice herbs and you spot that your little bag of herbs has gone bad, and it’s a trip to the shop or use those horrid dry herbs you get in a jar.
What can you do?
When you first get your bag of herbs chop, then put them in an ice cube tray and cover with oil then freeze. The oil stops your herbs getting freezer burn and keeps them nice and fresh for when needed… Problem solved.

 6. You have a few friends around for a meal. It gets to desert time and you go in the cupboard and you suddenly realize that all you have is mixed up bowls that down match.
What can you do?
Try melting a big bar of chocolate and dipping blown up balloons in. When the chocolate hardens, pop the balloons and you’re left with beautiful bowls that go down a treat… Problem solved.

 7. When you go into your kitchen and do the washing up. You wipe down the sides and chopping boards. You get your cleaning spray out and clean away. But then the next time you go to make a sandwich it tastes funny because of the spray.
What can you do?
Try using salt and half a lemon. This kills the bacteria and lets you clean your chopping boards and you avoid the chemicals…Problem solved.

 8. If you’re anything like me, you will have a cupboard filled with random spice jars and nowhere else to keep them apart from dotted around your work tops
What can you do?
Try using an old CD rack. Most people have an old one lying around from the days before mp3 players. If not they are often a lot cheaper than actual spice racks and do the job perfectly… Problem solved.

 9. Picture it. It’s a hot summer day and you fancy a nice iced lolly. All you have in your freezer are those horrid little ice pops that taste like colored water. You can either go out, or spend load of money on 3 little lollies that are ok or you can suffer with the cheaper ice pops.
What can you do?
Best iced lollies I have ever tasted. Mix together and freeze and an iced lolly mold.
2 cups of whipped cream
1 cup of milk
6 tbsp. Nutella
You will never go back. Yum…Problem solved.

 10. I always get tooth ache and when I have a drink, I end up using a straw to help with the pain. It gets kind of embarrassing though when every 2 seconds the straw rises up from your can and pokes you in the face.
What can you do?
Try turning the little metal tab around and put your straw through the hole in the center of the tab. It stops you getting poked in the eye and you avoid the toothache… Problem solved.

 11. Let’s face it, on a roasting hot day when you're out during the off day, the worst thing is carrying a lukewarm bottle of water around with you. We don’t always have the money to go into shops to keep buying nice cold ones.
What can you do?
Try filling a large bottle quarter of the way up and laying it down flat in your freezer. Next time your off out, fill it up and will stay cold on your trip out… Problem solved.

 12. So it’s breakfast time and there’s a decision to be made. Half the people you’re cooking for want bacon and the other half want pancakes.
What can you do?
Try cooking your bacon in the frying pan. When done pour over a little pancake mix and cook as normal. You’re now the proud maker of the bacon pancake. Pour over some syrup. Yum… Problem solved.

 13. How many times have you stood there in your kitchen holding that cookbook and the dreaded words separate the egg yolks appear. You end up getting horrible slimy fingers or end up not bothering and just going with the whole egg.
What can you do?
Try cracking your egg as normal into a bowl. Get a clean, empty bottle and place the top over the yolk and squeeze. The yolk will get sucked up into the end of the bottle ready to pop back where you need. No more slimy fingers… Problem solved.

 14. You wake up in the middle of the night with the sudden urge for a spot of cake. Or the kids have just had tea and want some desert but you have none in and no time to bake one.
What can you do?
A brownie in less than 2 minutes? Sounds like a plan.
Mix together in a cup until smooth, and then cook in the microwave for 1 minute 40 seconds. Yum.
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup flour
2 tbsp cocoa
Pinch salt
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp water
Problem solved.

 15. When you’re standing in the kitchen trying to look all manly while cooking some dinner. You get to the onions and stand there with tears streaming down your face like a baby.
What can you do?
Chew gum while chopping onions it stops you from crying… Problem solved.

 16. Whenever I use a block of cheese or have a large cake, I go digging through the draw routing around for a knife I can use to get nice neat slices. The trouble is, the only thing I can ever find is the standard blunt butter knife.
What can you do?
Try using an unscented dental floss. It works a treat and a pack lasts ages. You can use it to slice up pretty much anything that isn’t too hard… Problem solved.

 17. Do you miss being able to make a decent toasted sandwich because all you currently have is the standard two slice toaster. The only thing you can think of is to toast two slices of bread, stick on some kind of filler and slap them both together.
What can you do?
Try making a sandwich as normal squashing the bread together and put the whole sandwich into one toaster slot. The result is a nice toasted sandwich that is still soft in the middle. Yum… Problem solved.

 18. I find it so annoying when you go out to the supermarket and you spend an hour picking up everything you need. You get to the till pack up and go home. As soon as you finish putting all your stuff away you realize that you have forgotten a few important things. You can either go back or go without.
What can you do?
Try taking a photo of the inside of your fridge so while you’re out shopping you can see what you have and what you don’t… Problem solved.

 19. We all do it, don’t we? We go out and buy a load of fresh fruit and veg and but the time we get round to actually eat them, half have gone bad. Bananas seem to be the worst.
What can you do?
Try wrapping some plastic wrap around the stem of the bananas and you will notice that this keeps them fresher for longer… Problem solved.

 20. I love a nice takeaway. You order a giant pizza for the family; there are a few pieces left in the morning and naturally you stick it in the microwave and reheat it for breakfast. When you take it out the crust is either rock solid or really chewy.
What can you do?
Try placing a glass of water in the microwave next to the pizza. The steam helps it stay soft but stops it going all chewy… Problem solved.

 21. I find it so irritating when you reheat food in the microwave and it’s steamy and feels hot, yet when you sit down to eat it half of it in the middle is still cold. You end up carrying on and pay for it the next day or pay another trip to the kitchen for round two. This usually results in dry burn food that goes in the bin.
What can you do?
Dig a hole in the middle of the food so you can see the plate. Now when it goes in the microwave it will heat nice an evenly… Problem solved.

 22. My kids love spaghetti and hotdogs, but sometimes and can get a little boring for them.
What can you do?
Try this little tip. Get the kids to help too. Chop up your hotdogs into quarters and pierce a few pieces of dry spaghetti through the middle and boil as normal. Mix in a little ketchup when done and sprinkle with cheese. The kids will love it… Problem solved.

 23. I always take a packed lunch to work but I like something different now and then so I’ll take a bagel. The problem is the filling always falls out. You end up with a bald bagel and bag of sandwich filler.
What can you do?
We all have those old CD spindles lying around. Give a clean out and it makes a great bagel holder. Yum… Problem solved.

24. Many of us out there turn into a bit of a clean freak now and then. I myself have been getting dirty hands, but I love nothing more than milk and Oreos. Problem is I hate getting all the mess on my fingers.
What can you do?
Use a fork in the middle of the Oreo. You get your treat with none of the miss… Problem solved.

 25. Do you ever pick up a pizza on the way from work only to find that it’s gone cold by the time you arrive home?
What can you do?
Try using your seat warmer. Most people don’t think of it but it works a treat… Problem solved.

 26. Do you remember that time you had the girls round for a movie, chat and a bottle of wine only to find that the corkscrew has gone missing. You end up spending half an hour trying to get the cork out and come to the solution that the only thing to do is push it in instead.
What can you do?
Try using a hammer and nail. Gently hammer the nail into the cork and then use the claw to pull it and the cork back out… Problem solved.

27. I think we have all ruined a few cook books haven’t we. We get a nice one for a Christmas and give it a whirl. Next minute you notice you have a grease of food marks all over the pages or something has splashed on the side and got the pages all wet.
What can you do?
Find and pants hanger with the clip on each side. It works great to hold a book and hang where you can use it… Problem solved.

 28. I love tacos. The problem is when you cook the shell and can’t get it the right shape. It’s either a flat circle or you fold it and it falls on its self. No good.
What can you do?
Try using a muffin tin. Turn it upside down and put your taco shells in the spaces. Spray with oil and cook at 375F for 10 minutes. Perfect… Problem solved.

29. You wake up in the morning, go in the kitchen and boil a couple of eggs. You fancy some sliced egg or egg mayo with lunch but it takes forever to peel the shell of the egg.
What can you do?
Add a teaspoon of baking soda into the water before you start boiling your eggs. Now when it comes to peeling the shells off it will just seconds… Problem solved.

 30. A random thought. How do you eat a cupcake? If it’s a large one with butter cream all over the top you end up with quite a sickly taste after a while.
What can you do?
This is the right way to eat a cupcake. Slice it through the middle and place the bottom half of the cake into the top, to make a kind of which sandwich. You will never eat a cupcake the same way again… Problem solved.

 31. The thing that bugs me when I make pasta or boil potatoes is when the water boils over and leaves you with a big messy clean up job.
What can you do?
If you place a wooden spoon on the top of the pan as the water boils it stops the water ever boiling over… Problem solved.

 32. My kids love pancakes but it can be a bit of a pain making up the mixture every day and getting splatters over your side. You can either put the horrid readymade stuff or persist and clean up each time.
What can you do?
Try pouring your pancake mix into an empty large ketchup bottle. It will keep in the fridge and save all the mess than if you used a bowl and ladle… Problem solved.

33. It’s summer time and you have the family round for a BBQ. Everyone wants a different sauce and it’s a real pain trying to find somewhere for all those dips and bottles.
What can you do?
Use a muffin tin. Pour some of each condiment into the tin and leave by the BBQ. Now everyone has what they want on hand… Problem solved.

 34. Have you ever tried to remove the stem from a strawberry when making a desert? You either end up using a knife and wasting half of the fruit, or leaving it in there as a crunchy woody surprise.
What can you do?
Use a straw place it over the top of the stem and push down. Stem removed… Problem solved.

 35. It’s horrible when you wake up late for work. You rush to get ready and make a coffee. Just before you leave your coffee is still roasting and you have the choice to leave it and miss your caffeine fix, or water it down with a little cold water. Either way, your morning is ruined.
What can you do?
Try keeping some frozen black coffee in some ice cube trays. This way, if you’re ever in this situation again, you can cool down your coffee without watering it down… Problem solved.

 36. You and your partner have just put the kids to bed for a nice warm day. You settle down to have a glass of white wine only to discover you forgot to put it in the fridge. You can either water it down with an ice cube or take it warm.
What can you do?
Keep a bag of grapes in the freezer. No need to water that wine down. The grapes do a great job of cooling it… Problem solved.
 Last little food hack.
When you’re down to the last bit of Nutella in the jar. Don’t sit scraping away stick a dollop of ice cream in. Lovely little treat.

37. Prep Potatoes for a Crowd Easily.  I’m well known for making potato dishes around the holidays or for special events that will feed a huge crowd.  Instead of standing over my kitchen sink scrubbing 10 pounds of potatoes, I rinse them off in my dishwasher.  Here’s how you do it. 
Place your potatoes on the top rack only and turn the setting to the rinse cycle.  Don’t add any detergent and be sure to set the drying setting to “air dry’.  This is a super effective way to get your potatoes clean quickly.  You can also rinse off other root vegetables this way.

38. Create Clean Cuts.  The best way to create clean cuts on soft or crumbly food is to use unflavored dental floss.  You can cut clean, precise slices of cakes and brownies.  You can slice a sheet of cake horizontally to create an extra layer in your cake.  I’ve used floss to cut through cookie dough to make uniform pieces, as well as soft cheeses.
You can create perfect, straight slices when using it to cut through a log-shaped cookies, as well as cinnamon rolls. If you don’t have butcher’s twine when cooking a roast, you can substitute it with dental floss in a pinch. 

39. Make and Preserve Guacamole.  If you don’t have a fancy mortar and pestle to smash avocados when making guacamole, you can still make an amazing guacamole. Carve out the flesh of the avocados and place them into a bowl.  To get perfect avocado chunks for your guacamole, simply mash the avocado flesh with a hand held potato masher. 
Once you have made your guacamole and you want to save it for the next day, add it to a bowl that only has an inch or two of space between the top of the guacamole and top of the bowl.  Slowly add some water to the top and cover with plastic wrap.  The water won’t seep into the guac, but will prevent it from browning.  When you are ready to eat it, simply dump out the water on top and enjoy.

40. Remove Fat From Stews, Soups and Casseroles.  Take a couple of ice cubes and drop it into your stew, soup or casserole dish.  Fat globules will start to solidify on the top from the colder temperature.  Scoop out the extra fat and save on fat and calories.

41. Take the Bread out of Bread Crumbs.  If you are trying to eat gluten free, you can still enjoy “breaded” chicken.  Take some gluten free pretzels or some brown rice cereal, and place them in a food processor.  Hit the pulse button until the pretzels or cereal has a breadcrumb-like consistency. Shake and bake as normal, or coat the chicken with milk and egg, then add the crumb mixture and bake.

42. Prevent Bacon Shrinkage.  Ah, bacon! Yummy, delicious bacon!  Whether you cook bacon in the oven, stove top or microwave, you always end up with some shrinkage.  You can reduce shrinkage by up to 50% by rinsing the bacon off with cold water before cooking it. 

43. Cook Crispy, Bright, Flavorful Vegetables in Your Oven.  Say goodbye to dull, mushy vegetables that have completely lost their flavor.  Take any soft veggie, like asparagus, green beans or pea pods and cook them inside a head of lettuce.  This method has actually been used for years to create crispier, more vibrant vegetables in the oven. 
Slice a head of iceberg lettuce down the center.  Scoop out the leaves inside, so the halves retain its shape, but have a little pod for the veggies.  Add the veggies, put the head of lettuce back together again with the veggies inside and roast on a cookie sheet on 300F for 20 – 45 minutes.

44. Avoid Clumps in Brown Sugar.  The best way to keep brown sugar in your pantry from becoming hard and clumpy is to store it in an airtight container once it has been opened.  Then add a couple of marshmallows to the container to prevent any hardening or clumps.
A muffin tin can be used to serve the condiments at barbecues and parties. In addition to looking good, it helps you cut down on washing. Think twice before discarding your muffin tins next time.

45. You can easily pull out the egg shells from the egg in a bowl if you wet your fingers.

46. You can remove the stem of an avocado to see how ripe it is. If it appears yellowish, it is ripe; if it appears dark brown, it is overripe.

47. To make bananas last about 5 days longer, wrap their tops tightly in a plastic wrap.

48. Pour milk in an ice cube tray and add crushed cookies (or Oreos) in it to make cookie ice cubes.

49. Unscented dental floss can be used to easily cut or slice cakes, pastries, and other soft solid goods into perfect shapes.

50. Give more shape and designs to your pancakes by using cookie cutters.

51. When storing salad into a sealed bag, blow some air into it to ensure that it stays fresh longer.

52. When going grocery shopping, open your fridge and take a picture. Look at it before you leave the shop to make sure that you have not forgotten anything.

53. You can freeze grapes and use them to chill white wine. Unlike ice, the grapes will not water it down.

54. To keep ice-cream soft, put it in an airtight bag before storing it in the freezer. It won’t be spoon-bendingly hard when you take it out.

55. To prevent the pizza crust from getting chewy when microwaving it, put a glass of water along with it in the microwave when reheating it.

56. To keep the potatoes from budding, place an apple among them when storing them.

57. When cutting an onion, if you chew a chewing gum, your eyes will not burn or water.

58. To make sure that your cake stays soft and moist, put a slice of bread over it.

59. When boiling something, put a wooden spoon or stick over it to keep it from spilling.

60. When storing meat in plastic bags, section it evenly. It makes it easier to remove even sized pieces later.

61. If you wrap lettuce, celery, or broccoli in a foil when storing it in the fridge, it will stay crisp longer than usual.

62. To test the freshness of an egg, put it in a glass filled with water. If it floats, it is not fresh, throw it away. If it sinks to the bottom, it is fresh.

63. Instead of letting a sauce go to waste, put it in an ice cube tray and freeze it. Remove a cube and heat it when needed.

64. To easily peel garlic, smash it apart by applying pressure from the top. Then put it all inside a box and shake it. When you remove it, the garlic will be peeled.

Social life :-Practice a conversation.

Practice a conversation.

For any skill you learn, practice increases your confidence. With repetitive practice, you know exactly what needs to be changed and adjusted, and it allows you to hone your skills until you feel proficient. The skills involved in social confidence require practice as well, and this includes practicing conversation skills. One of the biggest concerns about meeting new people or participating in group conversation is not knowing what to say or fearing you'll embarrass yourself. But with some pre-planning and practice, you'll be armed with plenty of conversation topics and the assurance to initiate a chat.
Action Steps:Before you attend a social gathering, a date, or even an outing with a friend, think about what you want to say when you first arrive. Practice greeting people in front of a mirror, and think about a few topics of conversation you want to initiate as you converse with people. Have some basic, everyday conversation starters (the weather, a recent news story, their family or a mutual friend), and also prepare some interesting questions or observations to initiate a more meaningful conversation. Here are thirty conversation topics to give you ideas. Write some of the topics down to keep in your pocket or purse to refer to at the event if you forget.

Friday, December 29, 2017

47 Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning Hacks

Before I discovered cleaning hacks, whenever I encountered a stain that was hard to remove, I just accepted it as damaged and unable to be cleaned.  A few years ago my two sons picked up permanent markers from a kitchen drawer and decided that our newly painted kitchen wall would be a great place to draw a mural.  I desperately tried to clean the marker off using multiple cleaning agents and wasn’t able to get the marks off.  
Then I started to do some digging because surely someone else had run into this problem and found a way to clean their wall.  By the time I was done researching, I knew how to get permanent marker off of virtually any surface!  Let’s take a look at some clever, creative cleaning hacks that will make cleaning super easy.

1. Get Stains Out of Microfiber.  Getting stains on microfiber can ruin the entire look of your sofa.  If you have a spill or stain on the fabric, fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and lightly mist the alcohol onto the stain.  Gently rub the moistened stain with a white soft sponge.  The stain will lift right onto the sponge.  Let the sofa air dry completely. Once dry, take a hard bristled brush to “fluff” up the microfibers and your sofa will look like new.

2. Remove Permanent Marker Stains.  Permanent marker stains don’t have to be permanent!  Hand sanitizer will remove marker stains from clothing. If you get marker on any wood surface, you can easily remove it by applying rubbing alcohol to the affected area.  Applying toothpaste or hairspray to marks on walls will eliminate the stain. 
3. If you get marker on your carpet, dab the area with white vinegar and the stain will be removed.  If you spill marker onto furniture, take a cotton ball and dip it into milk.  Applying directly to the stain will remove the mark.

4. Prevent Dust Bunnies When Dusting Your Ceiling Fan.  I used to dread cleaning my ceiling fans because getting dust all over the carpet or bed was inevitable.  Then I discovered a way to contain the dust bunnies.  Take an old, soft pillowcase and insert each fan blade into the pillowcase.  Wipe each blade of the inner part of the fan to the outer part.  All the dust will stay contained in the bottom of the pillowcase.

5. Easily Clean Your Electric Oven.  Years ago, cleaning your oven was a hassle.  You either used harsh chemicals to get the gunk off or had to scrub the caked on layers of filth incessantly to get it clean.  I found a much easier way. You will want to make sure you start this process with a cold oven. 

6. Take a shallow dish and pour ½ cup of ammonia into it.  Place the dish in the middle of the top rack in your oven.  Close the door and let it sit in there overnight. The fumes from the ammonia will loosen the grit.  In the morning, take a clean cloth and wipe it all away.  Only use this method in an electric oven.

7. Clean You’re Charcoal Grill Naturally.  As crazy as it sounds, the most effective way to clean your charcoal grill is to use an onion.  Yes, an onion.  This is a natural way where you don’t have to worry about any harsh chemical residue being left to creep into your grilled food. Here’s how it works. 

8. Heat your grill so the high heat burns off any remaining chunks of charred food.  Peel an onion and slice it in half.  Insert a fork into the bottom part of the onion, towards the round part.  Turn the heat down. Rub the onion flat side down onto the grill, moving it quickly back and forth.  This will clean and deglaze the grates, not to mention adding an amazing flavor to your next meal.

9. Eradicate Oil Stains from Your Garage Floor.  This trick is super easy, effective and a bit disturbing.  Pour Coca-Cola directly onto the oil stain and rub with a hard bristled brush.  Rinse off thoroughly with clean water.  Watch as the stain lifts from the floor.

10. Get Rid of Lipstick Stains.  It’s rare that you can get a noticeable lipstick stain out of clothing from just washing your clothes normally.  The next time you encounter a stain, spray some hairspray onto the mark and let it sit for 10 minutes.  Rub gently with a cloth and toss into the wash as normal.

11. Eliminate Kitchen Cabinet Gunk.  Over time our kitchen cabinets get dirty, often times with tiny little particles of dust, debris and food from splashing when cooking.  And it piles on resulting in a solid substance that is near impossible to remove.  Here’s an easy way you can lift the stains so your cabinets look brand new. 

12. Create a thick paste by combing vegetable oil and baking soda so the consistency is like toothpaste.  Take an old toothbrush and scrub the nooks and crannies on your cabinets where the debris has piled up. Take a moist, clean cloth and remove the paste and debris.  

13. A muffin tin can be used to serve the condiments at barbecues and parties. In addition to looking good, it helps you cut down on washing. Think twice before discarding your muffin tins next time.

14. You can easily pull out the egg shells from the egg in a bowl if you wet your fingers.

15. You can remove the stem of an avocado to see how ripe it is. If it appears yellowish, it is ripe; if it appears dark brown, it is overripe.

16. To make bananas last about 5 days longer, wrap their tops tightly in a plastic wrap.

17. Pour milk in an ice cube tray and add crushed cookies (or Oreos) in it to make cookie ice cubes.

18. Unscented dental floss can be used to easily cut or slice cakes, pastries, and other soft solid goods into perfect shapes.

19. Give more shape and designs to your pancakes by using cookie cutters.

20. When storing salad in a sealed bag, blow some air into it to ensure that it stays fresh longer.

21. When going grocery shopping, open your fridge and take a picture. Look at it before you leave the shop to make sure that you have not forgotten anything.

22. You can freeze grapes and use them to chill white wine. Unlike ice, the grapes will not water it down.

23. To keep ice-cream soft, put it in an airtight bag before storing it in the freezer. It won’t be spoon-bendingly hard when you take it out.

24. To prevent the pizza crust from getting chewy when microwaving it, put a glass of water along with it in the microwave when reheating it.

25. To keep the potatoes from budding, place an apple among them when storing them.

26. When cutting an onion, if you chew a chewing gum, your eyes will not burn or water.

27. To make sure that your cake stays soft and moist, put a slice of bread over it.

28. When boiling something, put a wooden spoon or stick over it to keep it from spilling.

29. When storing meat in plastic bags, section it evenly. It makes it easier to remove even sized pieces later.

30. If you wrap lettuce, celery, or broccoli in a foil when storing it in the fridge, it will stay crisp longer than usual.

31. To test the freshness of an egg, put it in a glass filled with water. If it floats, it is not fresh, throw it away. If it sinks to the bottom, it is fresh.

32. Instead of letting a sauce go to waste, put it in an ice cube tray and freeze it. Remove a cube and heat it when needed.

33. To easily peel garlic, smash it apart by applying pressure from the top. Then put it all inside a box and shake it. When you remove it, the garlic will be peeled.

34. When reheating food, like pasta, spread it evenly on a plate and create an opening in the center, giving it a doughnut shape. It will allow the food to be reheated properly and from all sides.

35. To make the onions last very long, put them in a pantyhose and tie knots above each onion. This way, they can last for up to 8 months.

36. Green onions can also last very long if they are frozen. Just be sure that you have dried them completely before storing them.

37. To prevent the cutting board from sliding when cutting vegetables, place a damp towel under it.

38. You can use a pizza cutter to cut pancakes too.

39. To extract more juice from a lemon, roll it by applying a little pressure before cutting it.

40. The skin of a ginger can easily be removed with a spoon.

41. When using a measuring cup to measure a liquid, like honey, spray it with non-stick spray first. This way, the liquid will not stick in the cup and your measurements will be more accurate.

42. To restore old crystallized honey, put the jar of honey in warm water for 15 minutes or so.

43. Freezing herbs in olive oil keep them fresh and prevents them from turning brown or getting freezer burns.

44. If you boil filtered water to make ice, the resulting ice will be clear as a crystal.

45. Fish often falls apart or breaks when it is being grilled. Place halved lemon slices on a grill and cook fish over it to make sure that you get it in one piece.

46. Storing ginger in the freezer makes it last longer.

47. Always store mushrooms in a paper bag instead of a plastic bag. The paper bag will absorb all the moisture and keep them from getting mildew.

Social life :- Make a social plan.

Social life :-

Once you are aware of the social situations that cause anxiety or discomfort, you can take control of the situation by initiating small and manageable actions to build up your confidence and retrain yourself to enjoy social interactions. Having a plan of action will give you an immediate boost of confidence and make you feel more in control of your emotions. Planned exposure to the situations that cause your discomfort will eventually cure you of your anxious feelings so you can look forward to social interactions and actually have fun.
Action Steps:Think of a social activity you would like to enjoy but that causes you discomfort. Begin with the situation that causes you the most difficulty and attack it first. Plan ahead for how you will enter the room, a few things you will say to people, how many people you will talk to, and how long you will stay. Give yourself permission to leave after the amount of time you committed to yourself. You will feel discomfort the first few times you initiate your plan. But each time, talk to a few more people and stay a bit longer. You'll notice you feel more confident with every social event.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

CONFIDENCE HACK :- Identify anxieties.

identify anxieties.

Your lack of social confidence can manifest in many ways. Maybe you don't feel comfortable meeting new people. Maybe you feel shy walking up to a group and joining in. It could be really hard for you to ask someone for a date or to call a friend and suggest going out. Some people are comfortable in certain social settings, but fear speaking out at work or in a meeting. Knowing exactly what makes you uncomfortable or anxious is the first step toward correcting the problem. Often we're so steeped in fear and avoidance, we haven't taken the time to identify the specific cause.
Action Steps: Think about the situations or scenarios where you feel least comfortable socially. What exactly triggers these feelings? Where are you and what are you doing? What are the feelings or physical symptoms you experience in these situations? Just identifying these will give you awareness of the issue and where it holds you back



"Even in social life, you will never make a good impression on other people until you stop thinking about what sort of impression you're making."
~ C. S. Lewis
Lack of social confidence is a common problem. Nearly half of all Americans claim to be shy, and nearly fifteen million Americans have social anxiety disorder, where they experience intense, persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situations. Wherever you may fall on the scale of discomfort in social situations, the problem makes it difficult to develop romantic relationships, make new friends, or interact with work associates.
A healthy social life is not only critical to your happiness and confidence, it's also key to your health and longevity. Many studies suggest social relationships are just vital to your health as other common risk factors like smoking, being sedentary or obesity. According to research gathered by Brigham Young University, people with strong family and social connections have a 50 percent lower risk of dying over a certain period than do the non-social group.

When you lack confidence in social situations, it's frustrating to hear these statistics. It feels as though you're trapped in your fears and self-doubts, with no ability to change a situation that can add to your health and happiness. In fact, most shy people desperately want to have a social life. They just don't know how to escape from the feelings holding them back. However, it is possible to boost your confidence in social settings and feel more secure about who you are and how 

Clearing up more Space around the House

Clearing up more Space around the House

Do you feel like you have too much stuff? Are you bothered because your house seems so small because you have too many possessions?
Very few homeowners actually pay attention to space management. They always think that they need to have a bigger home in order to have more space. In reality, only proper space management is necessary in order to make the space more functional. Your home can accommodate more things if you know how to store them properly.
For example, you may use a tension rod in your sink cabinet to create a horizontal bar for hanging your spray bottle cleaners. Imagine all the floor space you will save!

There are many other tricks that you can use! Just be creative in using the things around you. For example, tissue boxes and cardboard tubes are perfect for storing plastic grocery bags neatly. Look around your home! What are the items that you can adjust?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

CONFIDENCE HACK :- Build sexual confidence.


People who are confident and skilled in romance and sex generally feel good about themselves. They aren't overly self-conscious about their bodies or worried about appearing desirable. However, they do inquire and care about how to please their partner romantically and sexually. They create time for romance and physical intimacy, and they don't blame themselves or their partner when sex doesn't go smoothly. Confident people want stay physically attractive for their partner—but without obsessing about their bodies. Sexual confidence is not all about sex. It is about intimate emotional connection, sharing, pleasing yourself and your partner, and having fun.
Action Steps:Sexual confidence begins with feeling good about yourself and liking who you are. If you're lacking self-esteem, the best place to start is by working to improve it, perhaps through counseling. If your self-esteem is good, but you just aren't confident in the bedroom, remember confident sexual behavior can be learned with education from expert sources and books written by qualified therapists. Do some research and reading to enhance your knowledge and creativity. If you want feel better about your body image, exercise regularly, as the endorphin boost will make you feel great. Also communicate with your partner to learn what she/he likes and share what you like to eliminate guesswork and frustration. This will make you both feel more secure.

Life hacks for Your Garage

Life hacks for Your Garage

Do not make the mistake of ignoring your garage. The garage is full of hazards, so it is important to store your things efficiently in order to keep the area safe. You must also do what you can to ensure that your garage is safe. It contains quite a lot of expensive tools and it probably serves as storage space for your car as well. You have to make sure that you keep bad people away from your garage in order to ensure the safety of your family and your property.
The most basic practice that you can do to keep your garage clean is to avoid storing everything in there. Go ahead and throw the non-essentials.
Here are some other life hacks which can help you maximize space, and at the same time help keep your garage accident-free.
• Simple curtains can do wonders in making your garage look a bit homey. No matter how much you organize your tools into baskets or shelves, they will never look aesthetically pleasing. For aesthetic purposes, hang curtains in front of your storage area. Simply slide the curtains, and you will instantly be able to use the other half of your garage any way you want.
• To store your things in the garage, it is a good idea to build a vertical shelf where you can store your tools, sporting goods, and other materials. Shelves are pretty easy to build. Get your supplies in a hardware store, and start building your shelf now!
• One thing that you should watch out for is how you park your car in your garage. Use pool noodles to cushion the walls against accidental bumps in your car. Cut and drill pool noodles onto the walls of your garage to cushion those blows to your car doors. This will allow you to save a ton of money on paint jobs. In case your car already has scratches, use nail polish to cover up the scratch.

• Your garage contains a lot of valuable items which could attract burglars around your area. Make sure that you safeguard your garage because, aside from containing expensive tools and gadgets like your car, it is also the entrance to your home. Install a motion sensor light; a floodlight that detects motion is ideal. Install the light high enough that it’s not easy to smash or dismantle

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Life hacks for Your Lawn & Garden

 Life hacks for Your Lawn & Garden

Your front lawn is what people see when they look at your house. You must exert efforts to make your lawn look neat in order to leave the right impression with your guests and visitors. In addition to this, lawns are often spacious. You will easily be able to maximize your lawns if you know life hacks and tricks that can help you. 
The most simple life hack you can do is turning an old milk jug into a watering can, simply by puncturing holes in the cap. For an impromptu shade during the summertime, you can use an ordinary curtain to help protect your plants. Attach one end of your house and the other one on a pole or tree, and simply slide across as needed.  

Cleaning garden tools can be very difficult. For removing dust and soil from any of your garden tools, take pieces of crumpled aluminum foil and dip it in water. Use the aluminum to scrub away the things that you don’t want. In case your tools look old and rusty, you can use white vinegar to help break down the rust.

Monday, December 25, 2017

CONFIDENCE HACK :- Learn relationship communication skills.


One of the foundations of a confident and healthy relationship is communication. When you are able to articulate your feelings, fears, and concerns in an honest and kind way, the relationship can flourish and grow. This vulnerability and authenticity is necessary for both people to feel safe and fully accepted—without fear of judgment, abandonment, or betrayal. When we don't communicate our needs and discuss our differences honestly and freely, intimacy will inevitably break down. Healthy communication also requires active listening with your full attention and an open mind. The most successful, intimate relationships involve proactive communication before a fight ever breaks out. However, conflict is inevitable, and conflict resolution should include collaborative problem solving and a mutual commitment to resolution without bitterness and recrimination.
Action Steps: Even if you think your communication skills are good, it never hurts to fine tune them to make you feel more confident and empowered in your relationship and to maintain intimacy and trust. Sit down with your partner, and ask each other these relationship questions to open dialog and understanding. Consider reading a relationship communication book like Non-Violent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg or Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix. Make a commitment to learn about healthy relationship communication and practice what you learn with your partner.

CONFIDENCE HACK :- Reframe rejection.


Everyone has been rejected by a romantic partner or love interest at some point in their lives. When you open yourself up to connecting with another person, you make yourself vulnerable to possible rejection. Of course rejection hurts, but it is something you can and should move past if you want to enjoy a loving, healthy relationship in the future. Rejection isn't an indictment of your character or who you are as a person. It simply means you and this particular person weren't the right match. In many ways, rejection is a gift, as it saves you from investing any more time in a relationship that won't serve you well. Rejection can be a great teacher, helping you learn more about yourself and what you want and need from another person. Rejection does require a period of grief, but you will move past this grief more quickly when you release blaming, acrimony, or self-criticism, and have gratitude for what the relationship offered you.
Action Steps: Think about past romantic rejections you've experienced. What did you learn about yourself as a result? What lessons did you learn for the next relationship? How have you grown as a result of experiencing the rejection? Visualize a future with this person, knowing they were not the right match for you. Silently express gratitude to them for letting you go and visualize yourself releasing them from your life.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Life hacks for Your Bathroom

Maintaining a clean and functional bathroom is important for your family’s hygiene. You don’ have to invest in expensive bathroom products just for bathroom maintenance. Here are some of the things you can do to help improve your bathroom.
  • When in a bathroom, try to maximize space too. You can do this by being innovative in storing your things. You can use various household items for efficient storage.

  • You can use a spice rack for placing your bottled toiletries like hair products and lotions. For a shared bathroom, use coat hooks for storing towels in use. For extra towels, roll them up when you store them because they take up less space. It will also make your bathroom feel like a spa.

  • Use small storage solutions to easily find your stuff. Keep big containers under the sink and re-fill bottles as needed. Use a magnet strip to line up your Bobby pins or hair clips on your mirror.
  • Choose a large mirror for your bathroom. It is very useful because it will allow you to see your whole self when dressing up. Aside from this, you will also feel like your bathroom is bigger because a mirror creates the illusion of depth.

CONFIDENCE HACK - Be aware of clinginess and guilt-tripping.

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One of the hallmarks of low confidence in a relationship is clinginess and insecurity. When you aren't confident, you compensate by seeking reinforcement and subtly manipulating the other person through neediness and guilt. You fear they may leave you, so you hold on tighter—which ultimately pushes them away and sabotages your self-respect. Maybe you have legitimate reasons to feel insecure, but holding on tighter or shaming your partner won't fix the problem. Only healthy, open, and confident communication will help you address any real issues.
Action Steps:Think of ways you might be clinging through neediness and guilt. Write down some of the specific things you do that might be passive-aggressive, whiny, or controlling. With the awareness that this behavior isn't healthy for the relationship, write a commitment to yourself to mindfully release one or more of these behaviors this week. If you feel there's a real reason to feel insecure based on your partner's behavior or words, then calmly and maturely communicate your concerns, even if you fear you'll hear something you don't want to hear. Ultimately, you must have honesty and truth as the foundation for any healthy and lasting relationship.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Life Hacks for Your Bedroom

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Your bedroom should be the most comfortable place in your home. It should allow you to relax and feel good about yourself after a long day’s work. It should be a place that you would be excited to stay in. It should be clean and organized so that it will be easier for you to rest and sleep. Just because visitors don’t usually get to see bedrooms, it does not mean that it should look like it’s been hit by a typhoon. 
Looking for ways to tidy up your bedroom? Here are some tips that could help you tidy up your bedroom in an efficient manner.
 A bedroom is a sanctuary and should be a private retreat for the individual, couple, or kids. Bedrooms are not only for sleeping though. Kids might use their bedrooms for studying or entertain visiting friends, you and your spouse might want to eat breakfast in the bedroom on a Sunday, or you might want to have a quiet spot in the house to read. Whatever the use, it should be a comfortable, stress-free space for every person.

Some quick hacks to optimize your bedroom:
1. There should be no clutter in this room at all. Never use a bedroom as a storage space and get rid of anything that does not belong here.
2. Lighter colors on the walls, furniture, curtains and linen will make the space look bigger.
3. If you want a bright or bold color, accent one wall and match your linen and décor to the wall color. A riot of color is distracting and does not lend itself to tranquility.
4. Use the walls, where ever possible, for storage. Wall-mount the dressing table. A floating dressing table clears some floor space. Use an ottoman with storage space instead of a chair at the dressing table.
5. Design your dressing table around your appliances and needs. Mount a power station (multi-plug) in a drawer to hide loose wires for the hairdryer, curling tongs, rechargeable shavers etc.
6. If storage is a problem, get rid of your side tables and build low or medium chests-of-drawers. These are perfect for jewelry, underwear, tank-tops, shorts and T-shirts. Roll or fold the clothes to be visible from the top. You will save a lot of time by finding your clothes a lot quicker. Stacked clothing in a cupboard inevitably falls over and you waste a lot of space between the top of the stacks and the next shelf.
7. Be creative if you want side tables next to the bed – use a stack of books (with a tray in top), chairs (either standing on the floor or hangings from the wall), baskets, roman columns, drinks trolleys, a bass drum (lying flat, and bonus points for converting the hi-hat into a lamp), trunks and even a slim bookcase can serve as a side table.
8. Use blinds instead of curtains for a modern look. Round off the window with crown molding in a box shape.
9. Light in the bedroom is critical. Make sure that you have ample light for the dressing table as well as a reading corner if you want one. Side lamps for the bed helps with reading as well as when you need to get up in the middle of the night. Make sure you choose the correct lamps for fit in with your décor as well as for their ultimate purpose.
10. Corners in a bedroom are a perfect place for a hanging lamp, hanging plants or just a thick dowel suspended on cables to hang your clothes for the next day. In winter, add a couple of dowels to hang your scarves and hats as an easy reach solution.
11. Make sure that you utilize the space under the bed for storing clothes or shoes that are out of season.
12. If you are in the market for a new bed, purchase one with storage space in the base of the bed.
13. To optimize the storage of clothes, place them in sturdy bags and use your vacuum cleaner to suck out the air. Seal the bag, and it will take up a fraction of the space and keep the clothes free from mold, insects and smells. Note: Zip-lock bags for this purpose are available in stores as well as online and they have handy vacuum seals built into the sides. Use them in your suitcase as well to pack double the volume of clothes when travelling.
14. Use pool noodles or hollow core cardboard tubes in your boots to keep them upright and neat.
15. In most bedrooms, space is often a problem. More often than not, we have too many things so everything just looks like a cluttered mess. There are bedrooms with too much furniture too. This could make it difficult for you to move around.
16. When you have to organize your room, you have to think of ways to maximize space. More often than not, rooms can be easily organized simply by re-arranging furniture and maximizing open space.

17. You will be surprised by how much you can maximize space. For example, the walls are never just for pictures and posters. You can simply hang hooks on walls and then use it to store your bags, purses, scarves, and other accessories.

CONFIDENCE HACK - Act "as if."

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Sometimes it takes a while for our feelings to catch up with our thoughts and actions. We might begin thinking positively and have a vision for how we want our relationship to be, but we still feel uncomfortable about ourselves and our value in the relationship. If you're single, you might still have low confidence about your ability to attract a partner in spite of your best efforts to think otherwise. While you are waiting for your feelings to catch up with your new awareness and positive thoughts, begin to act "as if" you are confident about yourself and your relationship (or your potential for being in a relationship).
Action Steps:Define where you feel the least amount of confidence related to your romantic relationship. Write down how you believe a confident person would behave in this same situation. (Check out these confident relationship behaviors.) Mentally visualize yourself behaving confidently in this situation, and the next time it occurs, play the part of a confident you. Act until you truly feel it.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

CONFIDENCE HACK - Focus on the positive.

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Quite often we lose confidence in ourselves or in the relationship because we're hyper-focused on the negative. We only see our flaws and weaknesses and fear our partner will reject us as a result. Or we only see our partner's flaws and believe the relationship is doomed. Maybe we've had bad relationships in the past, and the memory of those infects our thinking about our current relationship. However, reality is rarely as negative as we perceive it to be. It might appear negative because that's all we focus on.
Action Steps: Refer back to the list of positive qualities you bring to your relationship. Then make a list of all of the valuable qualities of your partner and what you love about him/her, as well as a list of the ways your partner is better for you than any previous bad relationships. Finally make a list of all of the wonderful aspects of your relationship. Keep this list handy for times when negative thoughts about your relationship creep back in. 

HACK For Laundry and Closets

Closets are great for storage. Here are a few hacks to use the space in a clever way.
1. If you have fixed shelves in a closet, remove the shelving and either drill holes for shelving supports from the bottom to the top, or install metal shelving strips to make all the shelves adjustable. Most of the wasted space in a closet can be attributed to the empty space between the top of items and the bottom of the next shelf. You might even be able to add a couple of shelves by going for an adjustable solution. (If you cannot match the old shelving, cover all the shelves with washable wallpaper.)
2. You can also convert existing shelves into pullout units so better access the items on the shelf. Cut off the edge of the shelves to accommodate the runners and add a narrow frame around the edges to prevent items from falling off. The frame will also give you a place to grip the shelf for pulling it out.
3. Install a slim bookcase in the center of a closet for racks and run rods between the bookcase and walls for hanging clothes. The rods will also help to stabilize the shelves.
4. If you need to store a lot of small items in a closet, group them together in boxes, baskets of plastic containers. Not only will you find things quickly, but your closet will look organized.
5. Create extra space in your closets by installing rods on the inside of the doors. Use these to scarves, ties, hats, belts or any other slim items.
Laundry rooms should be filled with clean smells, lots of light and with as many things as possible to make laundry day a breeze.
1. Build a closet next to or around your appliances. Use the closet to sort everything you might need in the laundry. Top shelves in the closet can also house extra linen for the house, tablecloths, napkins and even clothes that need mending.
2. If you are building a closet, make a list of all the items that need to be stored. Remember to create a thin, but tall space for the ironing board, broom and mops.
3. Attach magnets to the corners of a quilted ironing board cover and frappe it over your drier for a quick place to iron a shirt or dress before you go out. No need to lug out the ironing board.
4. Make your own reusable dryer sheets by combining 1/2 cup of vinegar and 8 drops tea tree or other essential oil. Cut up some old T-shirts or cotton cloth and sprinkle the mix over (do not soak). Store in an airtight mason jar. When needed remove from the jar, squeeze out over the jar and pop into the drier. When you are done, place at the bottom of the jar again.
5. Install a shelf over the drier. Not only is it a place for storage, but you can suspend a rod from the bottom of the shelf to store extra hangers, or to hang up clothes as you take them out of the drier.
6. A dirty washing machine cannot clean your clothes. Clean your washing machine by running a hot water cycle with 2 cups of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda in the drum. Remember to remove the soap dispenser and give it a good scrub with an old toothbrush. While you are cleaning the machine check and clean all the filters as well. Repeat this at least twice a year to keep your machine running optimally.
7. Lift your front loading washing machine and dryer about 12 inches from the floor by building a sturdy wooden box for them to stand on. This will make loading and unloading easy on your back, and you can use the space below them for storage baskets to store any of the many things you need in a laundry.
8. Suspend an old single bed metal frame or even an old ladder from the ceiling to give you space to hook your hangers when removing clothes from the drier.
9. Wash soft toys in your machine by putting them in lingerie bags. Remember to check that the eyes and other parts are still secure after washing. Note: this works for plastic toys like Lego as well.
10. If you are spending a lot of time in the laundry, invest in a portable music player or radio to give yourself something to listen to other than the washer and drier.
11. We all appreciate nice and crisp clothes that can give us a professional look. However, most of us hate the ironing required in order to achieve that polished look. You don’t have to worry. Here are some tricks that can help you get the job done faster and more efficiently.
12. For the first trick, all you need is aluminum foil. First, remove the ironing protective board cover. Then, simply place a strip of foil on top of the table, and put the protector back on. Because of the heat reflection, you'll be able to smooth out both sides of the clothing at once. This trick does wonders for fabrics like silk, wool, and rayon. If you are traveling, take note that you can use hair straighteners to iron the collar of your polo shirts. 
13. Odor in clothes can make you feel like you are wearing something unclean. Food, cigarette smoke, and sweat can stick to your shirt, making you feel like you are untidy. Here are some tricks that you can use to ensure that your clothes are odor-free.
14. Those who go to the gym know how difficult it is to get rid of the stink of sweat and body odor. To make things easier for you, simply rinse the clothing at the gym itself to get rid of the sweat and odor as soon as possible. You can then wash them as usual once you get home. If the odor is strong, simply spray white vinegar on the underarm area before throwing it to the laundry. Vinegar is one of the most powerful solutions you can use to combat odor. This is guaranteed to keep your clothes smelling clean.
15. If you want to get rid of odor in shoes, the best way to do so is to simply stuff them with socks or with a teabag. They will absorb the unwanted odor that you want to get rid of.
16. Clothes require a lot of care and maintenance. You must exert extra effort if you want to keep your clothes presentable. Here are some tips that you can use to keep your clothes neat-looking.
17. If you get an unexpected ink stain on your clothes, simply rub it off with hand sanitizer and follow up with regular washing later on. If gum accidentally sticks to your child’s shirt, stuff the shirt in a plastic bag and put it in your freezer. It will be very easy to remove gum when it is in solid form. If you want to keep buttons in place, simply coat them with clear nail polish so that they won’t fall off.

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