1. Use Smaller Plate
Trick your mind into thinking that you’ve got a great big
portion of food by using a smaller plate. This works because you’ll be able to
fit less on the plate while still having it look like a considerable amount.
Eating less is one of the hardest things to do, especially
when you’ve been eating the same portion for a large number of years. You know
what your plate looks like when it gets you full and thus, if you put less food
on a bigger plate, you’ll only crave more (because your mind already thinks it’s
not enough).
2. Walk more.
Those extra 2 minutes that it takes to get from the other end
of the parking lot can make a huge difference. So, if you’re the kind of person
who tends to drive around until you find the closest spot in the parking lot,
it’s time to stop and drive to the farthest one. Additionally, you’ll want to
skip elevators and escalators and opt for the stairs.
3. Separate snacks into smaller
If you’re the type who pops a bag of chips open and finds it
incredibly hard to put it down, it’s time to start cutting down. It’s hard to
say kick the snacking all together, especially in the beginning stages and so,
what you’ll want to do instead is to put your treats in tiny Ziploc bags and
toss away the big bag.
4. When at the park with your kids, get
into play mode. Rather than only sitting around and watching to make sure that
they’re safe, engage them in a game of ‘tag’ and get your body up and
5. When on vacation, don’t leave your
running shoes behind.
Sure you want to go sight-seeing and thus, you’ll most likely
be getting some walking in but the amount of walking you to will also be related
to your comfort level when walking. Stress shoes and stilettos mean that you’ll
be taking the bus for what would only be a 10 minute walk.
6. Choose a day in the week to skip
meat, soda or other edibles you’d like to cut down on.
7. Lose belly fat by drinking 5 cups of
green tea daily.
8. Drink a cup of water before dinner
to feel fuller faster.
9. Eating foods packed with Vitamin C
reduces the production of Cortisol, which is a hormone responsible for the
storage of body fat.
10. Pulling your tummy in while running
or jogging will help you to tone it up a bit more and also burn more
11. Burn more calories while you’re
asleep by enjoying a spoon of peanut butter before bedtime.
12. Invest in comfortable and
attractive workout clothes. The better you look, the better you’ll feel and the
more you’ll want to get suited up and out on the track.
13. Challenge yourself more with an
activity monitor. Set realistic goals for yourself and push yourself to reach
14. Exercise while watching television.
Choose your favorite television show and turn it into an exercising game.
Whenever character X says a certain word, do 10 jumping jacks. Whenever another
character laughs or cries, do 10 sit-ups.
15. Burn more calories by wearing a
weight vest or backpack while walking or while running errands
Cut down the amount you eat by chewing
more. This will allow you to truly enjoy your food and also prevent you from
eating too much. Dinner isn’t a race!
Google Tips and Tricks
If you are looking for tips on how to Google search, then you
are on the right page. Here is the list of the tips you need to help you with
Google searching.
1. Click on the “Advanced Search” for more specific
a. Allows you to search exact phrases, “every word,” or any
of the keywords you specify. Just go to the appropriate box and enter the
search terms.
b. Let you specify the number of results that you want to be
shown on the current page, the language you prefer and the type of file you are
looking for.
c. To limit the results, you can type in the box of the
“Search within site of domain.”
d. You can access more specific and advanced features when
you click on the link of the “Date, Usage Rights, Numeric Range and More.”
2. You can also find the advanced
features on the front page of the Google search box.
3. Searching in google combines terms
with the Boolean term “AND”. So when you type water earth— it searches for
water AND earth.
4. If you want to search for water or
earth, just enter “water OR earth.”
5. You can also use the symbol |, like
this: “water | earth”.
6. AND and OR are both case sensitive.
They should be entered in upper case.
7. If you want to search for an exact
term and then a keyword OR another term, you have to group them by using
parenthesis, like this: earth (wind OR fire).
8. Quote the phrases that you are
searching for, like this: “ to be or not to be”.
9. If you are looking for synonyms, use
the symbol tilde before the keyword, like this, “:simple”.
10. If you do not want to include exact
keywords, use a minus operator, like this, “new laptops -eBay”. This will not
include eBay search results.
11. Google ignores “stop words,” they
are the common words such as I, like, if and then.
12. A plus operator assures that stop
words be included in the search, for example “cookies +and chips”
13. A stop word will be included in
your search if it is contained within a phrase between quotation
14. Google can also fill in your search
for example, “Thomas Alva Edison discovered*”
15. If you want to look for a numerical
series use the operator for numrange. An example is searching for iPhone 6
prices between $1000 and $1200, enter, “iPhone 6 $1000..$1200”
16. Google recognizes many file types
with the use of advanced search. Some of them are Lotus, Microsoft Office
Document, Shockwave Flash, PostScript and ordinary text files.
17. You can search for a particular
filetype using “filetype:[filetype extension]. For example, “basketball
18. You can omit the file types
entirely by using the Boolean syntax that you used to omit key words, like
“volleyball filetype:doc”
19. You can also combine any type of
Boolean search options, just make sure that you have the correct syntax.
20. Google also has search parameters
that are hidden like “intitle” which searches page titles only. For example,
21. The inurl modifier is used to
search only the page’s web address, try, “inurl:herbs”.
22. To search for live webcams, use,
23. If you only want to search for
results in texts using page links, utilize the inanchor modifier.
24. To determine the number of links to
a site, use, “link:sitename”. An example is, “link:www.google.com”.
25. To look for pages that Google
thinks have related content, use, “related:modifier”. An example is
26. To return information about a
specific page, use the “info:site_name” modifier.
27. You can also use a typical search
by clicking the “Similar Pages.”
28. You can search for a specific site
with the modifier “site:”, an example is, “search pricelist
29. You can access Google’s database of
rated and handpicked sites with the google directory using
30. The Boolean “intitle” and “inurl”
and OR can also be used in the Google directory.
31. If you want to search for Google
images go to “images.google.com”
32. Using the “source:” operator lets
you choose specific archives.
33. The “location:” filter lets you get
news which came from a particular country.
34. You can use “blogsearch.google.com”
and also “inblogtitle:<keyword>”
35. To search for movie reviews, type
in “movie:<name of film> or just use the “film:” modifier.
36. Type “showtimes” if you want to
know the schedule and location where local films are shown.
37. You can also be specific with your
search on a certain page, an example is, www.google.co.uk/movies
38. If you are searching for the
director, enter “director:Big Hero 6”
39. If you are looking for the cast
lists, enter “cast:name_of_film”
40. For music reviews, you can use,
“music:name of band, song or the name of an album”
41. You can also get a 4-day forecast
of the weather by using “weather <place/country/region>.
42. For the built-in dictionary, use,
43. You can use “keyword
cache:site_url” if you are searching for old sites contents. You can also use
44. For the built-in calculator, enter
“12*15” and click on “Google Search.”
45. You can also convert measurements
and use natural language with the Google calculator, an example is, “140 stones
in pounds.”
46. Currency conversion is also
supported, example is, “400 pounds in euro.”
47. For more accurate results, you can
enter the currency code, “500 GBP in EUR.”
48. For temperature conversion, enter:
“89 c to f” to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
49. You can also search for the
equivalent of Roman numerals, enter, “2468 in roman numerals.”
50. You can create your own Google
account by logging into www.google.com/account/ and then choose “Create
a. You get a free email account on
b. You can personalize your account’s front page. You can
add your blogs and feeds by clicking on the “iGoogle.”
c. You can customize your tabs by
clicking on “Add a Tab.”
d. You can also have your own theme by
clicking on the “Select Theme.”
e. For you to gain access to all the
Google sites and features, click on “Try something new.” Then choose
51. You can use “Custom Search” for an
exclusive Google search.
52. You can do a personalized search by
using “www.google.com/psearch.”
a. It has a bookmark facility to let
you save your bookmarks and access them anytime and anywhere that you
b. The iGoogle Bookmarks option can let you add and access
your bookmarks.
53. You can look and search on your
returned results by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page of your
search results.
54. You can search for a map by adding
“map” at the end of your search.
55. You can look for images by adding
“image” at the end.
56. With the Google Image Search, you
can look for recognized faces. Just type “&imgtype=face”
57. For information about stocks, type,
“stocks:” and the market ticker of the company.
58. To search for the tracking
information on a particular flight, just enter the flight number and
59. To determine the time at a
particular place, enter “time” and then the name of the place.
60. There is a spell checker that is
built-in which suggests alternative spellings for the term you use for
61. You can use the “Translate Page” to
see the results in English.
62. You can look for foreign sites by
clicking on the “Language Tools” and then the country you prefer to translate
your search.
63. There is also the translator on the
language tools options.
64. You can also translate your text
into your chosen language.
65. There is the “Search Preferences”
option that you can use.
66. You can choose specific languages
that you want your searches to have.
67. There is also your security from
any explicit content; this is done by using the Google’s Safe Search.
68. You can edit the number of items on
your results page. You can use the default which is 10 and choose any number up
to a hundred.
69. If you want to see what other
people are looking for or if you want to improve your own page rank, go to
70. For you to find the latest and most
in-demand search terms, you can go to www.google.com/trends
71. You can compare two, three, or more
terms by entering the terms in the trends’ search box, separate them with
72. Try typing “answer to life, the
universe and everything” and wait for the result.
The next time you use Google, try to
use and explore the tips and tricks stated above for you to experience them on
your own.
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