When you don't feel confident about
yourself or your relationship skills, it is difficult to open up to another
person. Often we build walls and shut down emotions in order to protect
ourselves from embarrassment or rejection. Vulnerability feels deeply
uncomfortable when we aren't sure if something negative might follow. But
authenticity is the only path to a real connection in any relationship. You
can't close off parts of yourself and feel confident in who you are. When you
are reserved and self-conscious, you are depriving others of the benefit of your
true personality and uniqueness. You also deprive yourself of the potential for
an enjoyable, real connection.
Action Steps: Consider how you might be closing
yourself off or being inauthentic in your relationships. Start by taking one
small step toward authenticity and vulnerability. Share a life-long dream or
talk about an insecurity in a conversation with a friend or acquaintance.
Practice speaking from the heart, even at the risk of appearing
less-than-perfect. You'll find others relate to you better and find you more
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