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Friday, January 5, 2018

Social life :-Notice nervous habits.

Notice nervous habits.
Your lack of confidence can show itself in some distracting and unattractive ways. Nervous habits like biting your nails, hair-twirling, clearing your throat, constant twitching or foot shaking, or popping your knuckles, can be irritating to others and suggest you don't feel self-assured or comfortable. Sometimes these behaviors are the result of boredom, but those observing you will perceive you as uncomfortable and nervous. Many of these habits are unsanitary and even unhealthy and make you look silly or childish.
Action Steps: Think about some of the nervous behaviors you have that are habitual. What are some of the triggers for these behaviors in social situations? What are you feeling when you turn to these habits? Discomfort? Boredom? Stress? By noticing the feelings, you will take some of the power away from the emotion, making it less tempting to perform the bad habit. Come up with some positive replacement behaviors to use when you notice you want to perform a nervous habit. For example, when you want to bite your nails, put your hands in your pockets or hold them together in front of you. 


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