smalltort is much more than just a blog, it’s a life based on personal growth and self-development. The team behind it has written many books on these subjects, and they also hold seminars and coaching sessions.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Career tips - Get clear on expectations.

If you don't know what your boss or organization expects from you, you'll always feel on rocky footing and insecure about your performance. Perhaps your boss hasn't communicated these expectations clearly, but it's up to you to find out and drill down to the specifics tasks and results required. Having this definitive knowledge will give you clarity and make you feel more confident in your efforts.
Action Steps: Review your job description and duties if you have access to them. Set up a meeting with your boss to review and discuss his/her specific expectations. If your company has a vision or mission statement, review it to ensure your work aligns with the company mission.
Location: Co Rd 24, Lake City, CO 81235, USA


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